Tuesday, May 5, 2009

times we didn't know what to do...

my roommate (at the same time, my blocmate, friend, orgmate) ,Tin and I share the same bed in our room (though we have 2 king-size beds there). we knew each other for 2 years now. and as friends, one thing the keeps us occupied (aside from eating, reading books, surfing the net, sleeping, and walking around) is taking posing and taking pictures of ourselves. Take note: lots and lots of pictures until our cams ran out of battery!
Whatever the position, wherever we are...there's no stopping this vice!

here's just one picture on our room...
she was about to sleep while i was reviewing my notes... getting ready for the lesson tomorrow (can you see my orange Stabilo marker?)....but we decided to take one shot before that...

try to see some more picture at my multiply site.

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