young and playful class like these. Most of then are ages 6-7.
We were asked to read then short English stories and we had given quizzes afterward.
It's a little bit difficult to teach them because some are not paying attention; one of the smallest kids in the room was so noisy and he even 'bullied' most of his classmates despite our presence; some boys kept on running and running and screaming all around; and at every point, there would be someone crying - I didn't know what to do.
But one girl caught my attention - Phyllis Aguilar. I asked her why she was crying and then her classmates around her told me that she was
And then, she began whispering something with her soft voice. I moved closer to her so I can hear her better. She was wearing a black pin on her dress.
She said that she's irritated because Kassle was teasing her, telling some sort of things as they were exchanging their papers. She also said that before, it was a long time that
I indeed adored her courage to keep on moving forward despite her age.
I was so amazed - a young child with a fighting soul of her own.
After the class, we collected their papers and asked the assigned cleaners to stay and clean the room. Phyllis approached me and stated that she was one of the day's cleaners.