Sunday, March 29, 2009

rain, rain go away...!!!!

it's raining here and i'm feeling cold....

i don't know why but i always hate the rain...
it makes me feel SAD...


it seems that i can't do anything good and right when the rain is falling...
i wish i have this anti-gravity power to keep the rain hanging up
as clouds there in the pale sky,
so they won't fall...
so there's no need for me to bring my 3-fold umbrella...
so there won't be sticky mud on the grounds that would surely mess my shoes...
so there won't be flood that gives different kinds of illness to the kids
that enjoy swimming in it.

i just hate the rain...

but i can't be so selfish about it.
many still wish for this rain.
the farmers - to have healthier crops...
to the forest so it would be nourished...
for the plants to grow...
to sustain a new life...
to continue existence,,,

i guess this is what the nature wants us to learn...

there are thing we despise,
but we must accept their existence because they fuel the lives of others.

but i still hope,,
the rain would end soon...

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