Sunday, July 5, 2009

finished reading >>Right Behind You last night

though there are a lot of things to be done in school...
something in my life here makes me feel sort of incomplete...
it's because I'm not reading any book right before...
so i headed to National Bookstore and Booksale to look for books...

and i got RIGHT BEHIND YOU by Gail Giles last Thursday...

i found the story somehow touching...
it captures the innocence of a child... and the deep cut that was caused by his mother's early death.
it shown a dash of anger and maybe envy... which led Kip, who was forced to change his identity to Wade, to live for 4 years in a mental hospital for therapy...

they they transferred to different places as unlikely things happened... and as Wade continues his soul-searching... as he tried not to feed his "hungry ghosts" as his shrink said.

it was a really nice story...
it gave good insights about the real life...

you should read this too...
I've got no regrets in buying it.

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